2. Animorphs #37 The Weakness (finished)
3. Animorphs #38 The Arrival
4. Animorphs #39 The Hidden (finished)
5. Animorphs #40 The Other
6. Animorphs #41 The Familiar
7. Animorphs #42 The Journey
8. Animorphs #43 The Test
9. Animorphs #44 The Unexpected
10. Animorphs #45 The Revelation
11. Animorphs #46 The Deception
12. Animorphs #47 The Resistance
13. Animorphs #48 The Return
14. Animorphs #49 The Diversion
15. Animorphs #50 The Ultimate
16. Animorphs #51 The Absolute
17. Animorphs #52 The Sacrifice
18. Animorphs #53 The Answer
19. Animorphs #54 The Beginning
20. Megamorphs #1 The Andalite's Gift
21. Megamorphs #2 In the Time of Dinasours
22. Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret
23. Megamorphs #4 Back to Before
24. The Andalite Chronicles
25. The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
26. Visser
27. The Ellimist Chronicles
28. Alternamorphs #1 The First Journey
29. Alternamorphs #2 The Next Passage
Kakak plss yang edisi 38 kaka. Thanx bgttttt buat semua translatornya..kiss..kiss